Sunday, July 13, 2008

Open letter to TVA / Shopping TVA

Version française


This is a complaint about article 200-873 (Zibra painting set).

It is scandalous to see that TVA encourages selling this product since it produces a lot of non-recyclable waste. This item is the complete opposite of the 3R principle (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) because it suggests to not recycle or reuse the tools.

When painting, it is very simple to cleanup the tools and reuse them later, or even for future painting work. For example, paint rolls, brushes and trays with remaining paint can be refrigerated for reuse. When the painting work is done, all tools can be cleaned up to be used for future work, thus reducing the amount of waste.

TVA, by selling item 200-873, encourages the consumers to produce a lot of waste, contributing to the deterioration of the environment.

Finally, it is clear that even using this product, people can still get paint on them. Also, roller, trays (splashes) and other tools have to be cleaned up after usage.

I hope this complaint will be considered by TVA and that such products and practises wont be encouraged anymore by this television network.

Thank you for your understanding,

Jean-François Pérusse

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