Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Open Letter" to get An Inconvenient Truth back online.

To: ait@participantproductions.com
Subject: ClimateCrisis.net


Hi and congratulations for that great movie,

I would just like to say that I'm really sad to see that the movie was almost entirely removed from the internet because of Paramount's policy. It really is a shame, in total contradiction with the movie. Al Gore says that he went from west to east to do his presentations. Wouldn't it be way easier and logic to simply keep the movie online, and use the Paramount movie profits to help in the researches to stop global warming? Really, it is ridiculous and the movie just isn't as great because of that.

I hope you won't delete that message at first sight. If you do, than you must be one of those who don't mind about global warming, who only think about money, or one of those who say it's already too late.

Please, take a moment, and think of the future of your children if you have any, or our future childs, if we ever find the courage to have any, because I feel that would be like "killing" them with our predicted future.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you'll do everything that's imaginable to help telling the world about our biggest problem of all time.

Thanks again,

Graduated student in Software Engineering

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