Saturday, January 27, 2007

Other links

To continue with my previous blog, JS sent me some additional links. They talk about water engine cars (with systems of electrolysis more powerful than a conventional one to divide water molecules in oxygen and hydrogen), and other experiments on free energy.

Experiments on energy and propulsion
(French TV report on Jean-Louis Naudin's Lifter)

Synergetic Theory by René-Louis Vallée (73 pages, I haven't read it yet, but JS said it's very interesting)


Water engine car (with blueprints):

I'm eager to see what will be invented (and scientifically "proven" or "accepted") in the next few years!

Sanctus Animus

Friday, January 26, 2007

English version - In construction

I am currently taking the time to translate all my blogs in english so that more and more people can read it. If anybody is willing to translate it in another language, please let me know!

Good news?

Today, JS gave me a link to a more positive video this time :)

Tesla Free Energy Race to Zera Point Energy

I have to admit that skeptical people will be pleased, certain parts are doubtful and look like fakes, but the video is still encouraging.

Some of the subjects discussed:

1) Free energy / Tesla principles.
2) A possibility to change atoms and their nucleus to change the materials easily (create gold, etc.) We could then "remove" toxic waste. (Changing it in gold could be very funny ;))
3) Electrostatic / magnets as a form of energy / levitation of objects.

There's no doubt that it would be a good idea to invest in such researches, instead of war against terrorism ;).


Also, here's a report that was on FOX News (I don't know when though...)

FOX - Discussion About Free Energy - On YouTube

And the company's website who develops the free energy technology, with the following poll on their main page : "Will you trust the verdict of the scientific jury?" :P There are other videos on the website, and if everything they say is true, it's incredible, but scary at the same time. Which energy are we "exhausting" (if we do) and what will be the long term consequences? I hope they understand well what they're doing :|


Sanctus Animus

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why this blog

I've been writing this blog for a few days now and I haven't really explained why I was doing so, even if you probably have a good idea.

I started writing this blog when we had really hot temperature in the first weeks of January (higher than 10 degrees celcius). Some people will say it's just random, others will say it's too late to do anything (see my previous message). But then, I thought that those two extremes were completely ridiculous! The best we can do, isn't it to prevent the worst instead of fighting it?

I personally try to do more and more to save our environment. Of course, we can't do everything in apartment, like change for electric thermostats, but it is so easy, for example, to change every light for fluo-compact lights our simply use less hot water!

Sadly, too many people think in the two extremes, or just don't know about the problem.

I strongly believe in one thing, (mostly since our ethics [moral & law] course at Polytechnique university), and it's sensitization. We all have the strength to change the public opinion. Our family, our friends, our neighbors, and even more with the Internet. Recently, I started working full-time and almost everyday, like you can see in my previous blogs, someone would talk about another choking and depressing report (thanks JS ;)). A nice drepressing week... BUT! This is what encouraged me to continue this blog, to learn more about the problem and to encourage people around me to read my blog, listen and read the different reports and also get involved in a similar way.

So, if ever you find other reports for my blog, or if you want to give your opinion, don't hesitate to add a comment to the blogs or send me an email at:

j f p e r u s s e (hat) g_m_a_i_l (point) "c-o-m".

[I hope the stupid bots won't understand that one ;)]

Sanctus Animus

On the main page, there is a short vidéo (now that's different ;)) well done and touching to show young people what we can do to help.

At the end, there is also an interview where the discuss two points I really liked:

The first point is in different reports and is about the idea that most people either think that "there is no problem" or "it's too late" (despair), and that we need to open our eyes and see between those two extremes.

The other point is something I already thought about and I really liked to ear it in the interview : why wouldn't the music industry do more sensitization of the public opinion about the environmental problems? The music has a strong power for that, especially on young people (I often find that teens think that "there's no problem, dude").

So that's it. Have fun with this little video :)

Sanctus Animus

Future of food

The Truth About Genetically Modified Foods

The original link was removed from Google Video. However, it is still available in 6 parts or with spanish subtitles:

Website about the movie :

And the worst about this, like they say, is that we can't even boycott genetically modified food since labeling is not obligatory (in Canada). Also, because of that, we can't easily make links between illnesses and GMOs. If only I knew what I'm eating :S

Sanctus Animus

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Bituminous sands - Harper's office complains

In response to the report presented at Radio-Canada "Du sable dans l'engrage".

Sables bitumineux: le bureau de Harper porte plainte (french article on CyberPresse)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

"Open Letter" to get An Inconvenient Truth back online.



Hi and congratulations for that great movie,

I would just like to say that I'm really sad to see that the movie was almost entirely removed from the internet because of Paramount's policy. It really is a shame, in total contradiction with the movie. Al Gore says that he went from west to east to do his presentations. Wouldn't it be way easier and logic to simply keep the movie online, and use the Paramount movie profits to help in the researches to stop global warming? Really, it is ridiculous and the movie just isn't as great because of that.

I hope you won't delete that message at first sight. If you do, than you must be one of those who don't mind about global warming, who only think about money, or one of those who say it's already too late.

Please, take a moment, and think of the future of your children if you have any, or our future childs, if we ever find the courage to have any, because I feel that would be like "killing" them with our predicted future.

Thanks for your time, and I hope you'll do everything that's imaginable to help telling the world about our biggest problem of all time.

Thanks again,

Graduated student in Software Engineering

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's movie on global warming.

Website :

The english version was almost entirely removed from the Internet by Paramount (the movie being not available on DVD...). I think this is completely ridiculous. How can we sensitize the public opinion if this kind of report is not available freely? I will definitely complain to Paramount if I can, even if alone, I can't do much :(

Petition to get the online movie back.

The secret link.

"We have everything we need. Save, perhaps, political will." Al Gore.

Sanctus Animus

Bituminous sands

Television report about bituminous sands, a must see!

On Radio-Canada's website. (french report)

For the future of mankind, please, see this report and talk about it with your family and friends! Such a little effort will help our society a lot. And... maybe it's time to start voting "green", what do you think?

Sanctus Animus

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

No more winters?

Wow... If anybody still doesn't believe in global warming, well, I hope you'll be convinced in 2007. It's January 3rd, 2007, and already, snow has entirely melted and we may have temperatures of around 16 degrees centigrade next Saturday (I just can't believe it when I see the weather forecasters happy when talking about it!!! Come on, wake up!) There are even golf courses open here in Quebec, that never happened before! Crazy storms happen more often, earth is breaking out...

Will winters disappear? I can't understand why some people are pleased with the idea. No more winters in Quebec, no more cold, isn't it a worrying situation for the future of mankind? Scientists are already foreseeing terrible things for the next 50 years. No more ice in the North Pole (where will Santa Claus live? ;)), dead of amazonian forest and the horrible consequences that would lead to in the entire world, and even more... Something to scare young families :|.

Some people say that we can't do anything, or that it's the fault of enterprises and that only those can diminish their production of greenhouse gas. I don't believe this. I rather believe that we can all together do many little things that will help to add some years before the end of mankind and other forms of life. After all, the end of mankind may certainly help the earth to equilibrate itself naturally, but is this the only solution?

For those who would like to take action, here are some links that will lead you to more information and lists of environmental actions. I recommend that everybody take those actions as your resolutions of the new year! There is so much we can do!!

(Note : most of the links are in French. If you have good English links to share, you can simply add them as a comment to this blog!)

Sanctus Animus